Get the first official HI-TECH game here!
You have to make do with simple, but still very tried and true gameplay. The mono sound has retro charm at best and is mega annoying. And you are bombarded with our logo non-stop!
But the best feature is: You can ROTATE the square! Isn't that awesome and mega senseless??! We think so too! But it's still a lot of fun!
A BIG THANK YOU for this great game goes to SLB2k11 & KoitoF for the implementation! Take a look and give them a follow!
(only for Windows)
What other enthusiastic players say
"Better than Tetris, also has much more HI-TECH, so quasi HI-TETRIS.... :)"
"WOW, turning the square - that's really squaring the ... square! :D"
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